How It Works
We have designed a structure that provides investors maximum security and flexibility over their investment choices prior to a Fund closing and a property is acquired.
Access to our private investment club requires you to register yourself or your company with Botero Capital LLC and submit required documentation so that we may verify that you are indeed an Accredited Investor as defined by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
As part of the registration, you will need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement as our platform, structures and processes are proprietary and confidential.
STEP 1 : Registration & Verification
Once you have completed Step 1, you will receive a Prospectus for each Fund that you are interested in investing in. Read through them carefully along with your Tax, Legal and Financial Advisors.
Our Prospectus will include:
Investment Strategy
Investment Criteria
Case Studies & Investment Targets
Investor Options & Responsibilities
Botero Capital Responsibilities
Investment Structure & Processes
STEP 2: Review Prospectus Carefully with Advisors
It is now time to commit capital to the Fund of your choice. The minimum investment we accept per Fund is $250,000 USD, and we expect Funds to range between $2.5MM and $10MM USD.
Your investment capital will be held in an interest bearing escrow account with our attorneys until the acquisition target is secured and the project is launched.
NOTE: Each Fund's Prospectus will detail the exact amount of the Fund as well as how the invested capital will be managed from the time the funds enter our escrow account until the time the capital is deployed.
STEP 3: Commitment of Capital to a Fund
As defined in each Prospectus, Botero Capital must present the Fund's investor group with Target Acquisitions that meet the Investment Strategy & Criteria within a specified period of time.
Investors will have the opportunity to review each target acquisition along with the proposed development project carefully before having to decide whether or not they would like to proceed with the presented options or if they prefer to pass and roll their investment into another Fund where more target acquisitions will be presented.
STEP 4: Target Acquisitions Presented to Investors
At this time, investors will have the opportunity to approve or reject the target acquisition. If approved, the investor capital will be committed to the project. If declined, the investor capital will be rolled into the next Fund where other target acquisitions will be presented. If the investor group decides to decline future acquisition targets, they will have the option to retrieve their capital.
IMPORTANT: Each Fund Prospectus will clearly define Investor Options & Responsibilities as well as Botero Capital Responsibilities and the procedures at each stage of the process.
STEP 5: Investors Approve & Commit to Project
A newly formed Limited Liability Company or "LLC" will be created (the "Investor Co.") for the sole purpose of acquiring the target property, and each investor will receive a Membership Interest equal to their capital contribution of the project's total capital less any fees as defined in the Fund's Prospectus and Closing Documents (the "Fund Documents").
The target property will be purchased under the Investor Co. and the project will begin.